
Posted on 2022年4月27日星期三 | IAB UK

在中断了三年之后,《彩乐园dsn》轰轰烈烈地回归了《彩乐园dsn》. 让我们来了解一下今年活动中最重要的收获

开启第16届年度活动, IAB英国首席执行官乔恩·纽向代表们传达了一个明确的信息:“更像李维.他指的是李维斯(Levi Strauss), 谁在1850年到达旧金山, just as the gold rush was starting in California - but instead of mining for gold, 施特劳斯想,这些人需要什么? 答案是更好的裤子。”. Jon urged the audiences to follow Levi’s lead: “Don’t just follow the crowd, but don’t do nothing. 向别人学习,这就是今天的全部内容.” 

他接着分享了IAB英国的主要数据 2021年彩乐园dsn支出报告 with PwC, showing that the industry grew by 41% last year - its highest rate of annual growth in 15 years - to reach £23.47 billion. 虽然彩乐园dsn市场在过去10年稳步增长, Jon said that 2021 has accelerated this trend - outstripping the pace of pre-pandemic growth to the tune of an estimated £2 billion. 下载完整的彩乐园dsn支出报告 here

接下来呢? 以下是我们在Engage 2022中学到的六件事


1. Weird & 精彩内容蓬勃发展

带我们参观一下YouTube的创作者, Google’s Roya Zeitoune showcased the range of content that is available on the platform, 特别注重音乐创造力. As she explained: “It’s not just the breadth of content - you can go really, 真正深入到一层又一层奇怪而美妙的东西中.” 

说到精彩的内容, 弗朗西斯资产阶级, 社交媒体上最著名的火车观察员, sat down with the7stars’ Sabrina Francis to discuss his love of locomotives, 与品牌合作以及GoPro创意的来源. Bourgeois, 他的真名是卢克·尼科尔森, said that he adopted a pseudonym when he started making videos because he didn’t want his employer to know. 解释为什么他认为他的内容引起了粉丝的共鸣, Bourgeois said: “Because it’s about finding joy in things that might be seemingly mundane… drawing things back from the busyness of life.“这是他迄今为止最超现实的时刻? 坐在Gucci的FROW上,头上戴着GoPro相机. 


2. AR的使用正在加速

“我们已经把互联网变成了世界上最大的购物中心, 但是我们忘记更新更衣室了,Snap公司解释道。.杰德·哈勒姆报道. 随着网上购物的爆炸式增长, he gave the Engage audience a future-facing look at how AR is set to refashion how we shop - augmenting how shoppers buy, 尽量把衣服还回去,尽量减少对环境的影响.

Also turning their attention to AR, On Device Research’s Sarah Robson and Gorilla in the room’s Dr. Alastair Goode解释了AR带来的测量挑战. Successful measurement techniques need to take into account the immersive nature of AR, 他们解释说, with a recent campaign with Pringles shifting key brand metrics across the board and outperforming the campaign in 2D. 


3. 不要回避困难的对话

当涉及到多样性和包容性, 进行不舒服的谈话真的很重要, Meta的泽拉·查图解释道, 不仅因为这是正确的事情, 而是因为它有商业意义. “Representative ads drive growth” generating distinct and higher levels of purchase intent.

Chatoo explained that it’s not just about having the right people in the room, 我们还“需要能够创造条件,把事情说出来”。. 她敦促代表们尽量减少代表性偏见, 语言偏见, targeting bias and cultural bias and added: “If you aren’t facing some level of discomfort when it comes to D&你可能学得不够.” 


4. 明智地使用数据是有回报的

The Ozone Project’s Frances Lazenby shared how premium publishers’ first-party data is helping advertisers understand the nation. A recent example includes Ozone’s work with an online grocery brand during 2021’s summer of sport, where they matched first-party data to reveal that the brand’s shoppers were far more interested in cooking and health content than sport. This allowed them to move into spaces more aligned with their audience’s passions and improve performance across every metric.

Global’s Mick Ridley and Transport for London’s Mark Evers also took a deep-dive into how data is key to understanding the audience journey - particularly when it comes to the London Underground. Global and TfL’s long-term partnership sees them collect data across the transport network - spanning 1 billion device connections every single month - to “help clients understand how they can speak to people over the course of those journeys” and optimise travellers’ experiences. 


5. 利用数字社区的力量

社区是Twitch和Reddit会议的关键主题. Twitch creator Leah Alexandra said that the gaming platform has allowed her to find a community and build it around her passions. 我已经在Twitch上玩了7年了, she said that it’s crucial for creators to keep growing with their communities: “Make sure that you’re bringing them on the journey with you.“

Discussing how Reddit encourages its communities to create together and tap into shared passions, Laurelle Potter said that Reddit users are creating joint digital artworks via ‘r/Place - allowing groups to co-ordinate and be represented.


6. 要小心你注销的东西

在他的会议上, 詹姆斯·钱德勒, 英国IAB的首席营销官, took a meme-based ‘how it started vs how it’s going’ look at digital advertising, throwing it back to the early days when popular consensus was that the internet wouldn't catch on. Cut to today when 94% of the population have access to the internet and it’s clear we need to be careful what we prematurely write off. 詹姆斯还敦促代表们简化彩乐园dsn. 虽然“复杂并不一定意味着模糊”, he does believe that we make digital advertising needlessly complicated with an overload of acronyms and often don’t consider the unintended consequences of decisions - such as covering web pages with cookie notices.

An excellent example of a channel that has seen a huge resurgence is digital audio. 而屏幕在一段时间内让广播广告黯然失色, the rise of digital audio illustrates James’ point that we definitely should be careful what we write off. Spotify’s Sally Keane took to the stage at Engage to explain why digital audio is so effective for advertisers and such an immersive experience for listeners. 借鉴神经科学研究, 她说,数字音频提供了更高的参与度, memorability and emotional intensity than radio advertising and defined digital audio as “a lean in experience”. 

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支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.