参与 2019:下午汇总

贴在 2019年6月6日星期四 | IAB英国

IAB英国’s 15th annual 参与 returned to the Barbican with a line-up spanning all areas of the industry and beyond. Here’s a round-up of what happened in the afternoon.

IAB英国主席, 理查德·艾尔CBE, kicked off the second half of 参与 2019 by highlighting the importance of quality journalism. 他将其描述为一股“向善的力量”。, 在介绍乔安娜·劳伦斯之前, 董事总经理, Strategy and Client Development at The Telegraph.

“生活比以往任何时候都要复杂,”她说. “To really navigate and understand all the information available today requires time, 资源, 专业知识和获取途径.” 

安娜·凯塞尔, 《彩乐园dsn》的女性体育编辑, 之后, 还有英格兰队副队长乔丹·诺布斯, Goals4Girls’ Founder Francesca Brown and Goals4Girls footballers Aisatu Jabbi and Demi Shaw, to discuss encouraging the next generation and the role journalism plays in inspiring girls to get involved in sport. 


Will Scougal, International Creative Director at Snap Inc., was up next with a session that explored the ‘new era’ of digital creative. “I fundamentally disagree that people have the attention spans of goldfish,” he told delegates. “Otherwise Netflix and 播客s would not exist. People are just choosing to spend time paying attention in different ways and in different spaces.”

“What has changed is that we are moving from a world w在这里 brands are interrupting, to one in which they play a role in contributing. T在这里 is an element of play and exploration,” he said. 


蒂姆Grimsditch, 线上时尚服务线程的CMO, then spoke about the need to make retail choices easier for shoppers and how combining algorithms with human stylists has created a better experience for shoppers, 围绕个性化构建. 


娜塔莉·贝尔, Manning Gottlieb OMD的总经理, took to the stage to explain why we should be ‘advertising to four-year olds’. She drew on new neuroscience research to demonstrate how digital has changed our brains. 结果是, advertisers should focus on repetition over inconsistency, enter the world of their audience and think about mood states – principles that work with advertising as much as they do with young children. 

Natalie IAB参与

作家兼活动家卡罗琳·克里亚多·佩雷斯获大英帝国勋章, then delivered an illuminating session which served to highlight the invisible gender bias women still face in their everyday lives. 谈到众多, varied and often shocking data points she managed to uncover during the process of writing her book, 看不见的女人, 她还展示了意想不到的东西, damaging and often dangerous consequences of such bias. She warned that if the data algorithms receive is biased, they will continue to replicate that.


在今天的倒数第二节课, 詹姆斯·钱德勒, IAB英国的首席营销官, outlined why 2018 was finally the year of mobile – after a number of ‘mis-starts’ – with 51% of all digital ad spend now on this channel. 对话现在应该改变了, 他告诉听众, saying: “It’s time to stop talking about the device. It’s time to talk instead about mobility and to think about factors such as context and need states.” 

Chandler also described gesture as “the forgotten younger brother of voice”, illustrating how it could revolutionise the way we use touchscreens. 触觉是另一个正在成长的行业, 他补充说, as well as a “new way for machines and humans to communicate”. 

“You need smart planners and smart thinkers who can think about new behaviours,” he told delegates. 


结束这忙碌的一天, IAB英国’s Director of Campaigns Sophia Haynes sat down with broadcaster and presenter 蒂娜 Daheley. 

来自移民的, 锡克教, working-class family that faced discrimination when they arrived in the UK, Daheley said that her work ethic comes naturally but was also instilled in her thanks to her family’s experiences.

In a session titled ‘Smashing the broadcaster stereotype’, 蒂娜 explained how she’s not “your typical newsreader” and – having spent the first five years of her career in journalism “trying to dress down to be taken seriously” – she is now not afraid to be herself or to dress how she wants. 

In order to encourage diversity in the media world, 蒂娜 said: “We have to look at a whole range of issues such as gender, class, 比赛, 性取向, 还要看看如何, 当这些因素结合在一起时, 歧视的力量可能更大.”

最后, Daheley emphasised the importance of knowing both your audience and your subject, pointing to her Beyond Today 播客 as an example that disproves the theory that young people want short, 锋利的, “吵”信息.

“事实恰恰相反,”她说. “Often they want considered, slow, deep dive analysis. And more important even than the story is the tone - informality, not being hectoring; but being relaxed.”


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