

The method for recording campaign delivery metrics between adservers. Third party adserving tags or 1x1 tracking pixels are commonly used to track this data.


A piece of software that can be overlaid within a browser, app environment or operating system by consumers which will filter out requests for advertising to appear within certain digital environments. Some adblockers will also block data calls used for tracking purposes or basic user functionality w在这里 a data exchange is necessary such as flight booking systems.


广告.文本文件 is a project designed by IAB Tech Lab to increase transparency in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. 广告.文本文件 stands for Authorised Digital Sellers and is a simple, flexible and secure method that publishers and distributors can use to publicly declare the companies they authorise to sell their digital inventory, through a simple text file attached to a URL (an ads.文本文件 file can be accessed by searching for examplewebsite.com/ads.文本文件). 

By creating a public record of Authorised Digital Sellers, ads.文本文件 will create greater transparency in the inventory supply chain, and give publishers control over their inventory in the market, making it harder for bad actors to profit from selling counterfeit inventory across the ecosystem. As publishers adopt ads.文本文件, buyers will be able to more easily identify the Authorised Digital Sellers for a participating publisher, allowing brands to have confidence they are buying authentic publisher inventory. 

More information can be found 在这里.

Advertising network

Also known as “ad networks,” a company that provides a single point of 联系 for sales representation for multiple websites by aggregating all the sites’ advertising inventory. Ad networks are used by advertisers, agencies to reach audiences and by publishers, typically to sell remnant inventory. 

Affiliate marketing

When a web site owner or publisher displays an advertisement (such as a promotional link) on its site for a brand or merchant and is paid for the performance of the advertisement, this is known as affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing activity generates large amounts of online sales in the UK and worldwide. 


A website or computer application that pulls together information from diverse sources. T在这里 are different types of aggregators, in the advertising industry, these notably include content, data, 新闻, 社交媒体, and/or video aggregators. 


A set of rules established for making a calculation. 在线, algorithms are commonly used to determine the listings shown via search engines and for automated methods of ad trading and delivery.  


The words forming a text-based hyperlink in web content. In terms of best practice for user experience and for search engine optimisation (SEO), the anchor text should accurately reflect the content users will find if they click on the hyperlink.   


One of the world’s most widely used mobile operating systems smartphone platforms developed and run by Google. 安卓 is optimised for mobile touchscreens and tablets. 

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