
贴在 2023年10月11日星期三 | 帕特里克损害 ——英国实验室

Get to grips with the challenges and considerations surrounding creative ad load size, 专注于小而有影响力的改变

Environmental awareness is continuing to grow in the digital advertising world as sustainability is brought to the forefront of discussion across industry forums. Calculating the exact emissions of different parts of the ad delivery chain is not easy, 但广告商, 出版商, and other groups should be looking at ways to limit their 碳足迹, 从宏观和微观两个层面. 在这篇文章中, we will look at the challenges and considerations surrounding creative load size, focusing on the small but impactful changes that can be made to ads to help reduce the 碳足迹 of digital advertising as a whole.

负载大小 & 碳足迹

While only one of several key determinants of carbon emissions in digital advertising, the size of the creative being delivered has a big impact when it comes to larger creative within a typical digital ad campaign. 广告负载大小以字节和, 或许不可避免地, there is a positive correlation between the size of an ad load and the 碳足迹 associated with delivering that ad - particularly when operating at a large scale across millions of impressions. 


A couple of key factors contribute to the ballooning load size of ad creatives. 近年来, there has been a growing trend of utilising multiple verification scripts within the same creative. 通常这些脚本将跟踪类似的或, 在某些情况下, 相同的指标, 这不仅是财政上和操作上的浪费, but also creates a larger ad load and consequent 碳足迹. Another key factor is the use of overly large assets within an ad - for example, overly detailed logos and creative images may push the load size up significantly when a lower resolution image will have looked virtually identical but required a far smaller load size.


减轻彩乐园dsn对环境的影响, it is essential for advertisers and agencies to adhere to guidelines set out in IAB技术实验室的精益标准. 的se 标准 promote various principles that drive streamlined experiences for the user, such as guidance around recommended initial load size for ads of different dimensions, 以及子负载大小, 以及如何将两者最优化. 

作为精益框架的一部分, 的 Lightweight Ad Guidance provides five pieces of advice to decrease the initial load sizes of ads, 为了环境和用户的利益. 这些包括:

  • Using light weight file loads during initial load on the page
  • Eliminating or minimising render blocking scripts like CSS, JavaScripts during initial load stage
  • Using subload for rendering ad experiences that require heavy file weights
  • Minimising the number of files requested during initial load
  • Ensuring that user initiation is required for ad functionality that needs large file downloads

以及精益原则, there are practical solutions that combat some of main contributors of load size:

  • 使用广告负载大小压缩工具, that will allow for automatic reduction of assets within an ad to bring the overall ad size in line with the LEAN framework
  • Manually taking steps to compress asset files, be they JPG, PNG, SVG, or even GIF files
  • Utilising sites that will streamline superfluous lines of code to reduce unnecessary functions in dynamic creatives


While creative size plays a pivotal role in determining carbon emissions, it is important to remain cognisant of the other factors driving the emissions of the digital advertising world. 其他变量, 包括装置发射, 分配排放, 数据传输排放, also contribute significantly to the overall 碳足迹.

的 广告净零 Guide outlines actionable steps that should be embraced by all stakeholders in the digital advertising ecosystem. 的 report endorses incorporating media carbon calculators into media planning to make informed choices about sustainability.

ESG issues are becoming increasingly prevalent in the digital advertising world and will remain so for the foreseeable future. 而最初的广告负荷是, 乍一看, a fairly granular issue to be addressing when considering the digital ecosystem’s 碳足迹, once you consider that a typical ad campaign is serving millions of impressions, 创意设置的一个小变化可能会有很大的变化, 积极的影响.







加姆 & 广告净零 announce global framework to track media’s carbon emissions


Industry backs IAB initiative to boost transparency in environmental sustainability

IAB 参与的观众

Tackling Greenwashing: new guidance on making environmental claims in ads


IAB Europe releases European Common Commitment for Sustainable Digital Advertising



支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.