
贴在 2022年5月24日星期二

Read the press release for our new research '推动了: Helping UK SMEs unlock the value of digital advertising'.

  • 60%的中小企业目前正在使用付费彩乐园dsn

  • Half say that digital advertising is more important to their business now in time of crisis 

  • More industry support needed to maximise the impact and value of digital advertising

With the UK’s SME economy currently navigating the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, new research shows that 64% are concerned about the future of their business and half of all SME advertisers1 consider digital advertising to be more important than ever to support their business during this time of crisis. 

这些发现来自英国IAB的研究。”推动了,于今日发布. 与MTM一起进行, 这项研究利用了来自近100个国家的证据,200家英国中小企业了解他们如何使用彩乐园dsn, where they feel it excels and where more support is needed to help them get greater value from digital advertising during this period. 

Results show that 60% of SMEs across the UK are currently using paid digital advertising and 67% use free digital 工具. 那些使用它的人, 63%的受访者表示,数字活动提供了良好的投资回报, 获得新客户, generating sales and its speed and flexibility cited as digital’s main strengths. Overall, the study estimates that up to 45% of all digital ad spend comes from SMEs2

然而,而中小企业的吸收挖掘ital is high and perceptions generally positive, the findings also point to opportunities for SMEs 使他们的策略多样化 anD从数字渠道获得更多价值. 70% of SMEs believe that communicating with customers is more important than ever at the moment and 58% are keen to diversify their communication strategy during the pandemic. 然而,, 40%的人目前根本不使用付费彩乐园dsn, 在那些, 平均使用的数字频道数只有1个.3. 

在没有投资彩乐园dsn的公司中, 大多数人认为是成本问题, relevance or lack of knowledge and understanding as the main barriers. One in seven SMEs describe their knowledge and ability to use digital as “not good”. 而社交媒体是最常用的付费数字渠道, it also has the highest demand for more support on how to run a campaign effectively. 

The report also identifies a big opportunity to provide SMEs with more guidance on how to best use search and online display - fewer than one in five SMEs have used online display advertising in the past 12 months, 尽管它在彩乐园dsn总支出中占很大比例.

基于研究的结果, IAB UK will be working with its members to develop 工具 and resources that provide digestible, interactive support to best help SMEs get the most out of digital advertising. 

在评论研究结果时, 伊丽莎白·莱恩是IAB英国研究与测量部门的负责人, 他说:“在过去的二十年里, the UK’s SME market and digital advertising industry have both witnessed exponential growth, 在某种程度上是由彼此推动的. 

就像我们现在处理经济问题一样COVID-19的基因组效应, digital advertising is continuing to play a crucial role for many SMEs, 但该报告也强调了ma面临的明显机遇ximise the role that digital advertising can play to boost recovery. 为我们和我们的成员, the next phase of this work will be acting on this insight to ensure that we are effectively supporting SMEs throughout this period and beyond.”

Nick Seeley, MTM的副主任, added: “It is clear from the study that the majority of SMEs are already tapping into digital advertising with many seeing it as critical to their business and even more so during the recent COVID-19 lockdown. 然而, there is still a significant proportion of SMEs who are unsure about digital advertising and how to make it work for them, along with many others who believe they could be using digital more effectively. This presents a great opportunity for the industry to help SMEs make the most of digital, supporting them both in the short-term as the economy recovers and in the longer-term.”

1 This refers to the 73% of the UK’s SME market that use paid advertising across any media 

2 有关更多细节,请参见方法论


第1部分: 中小企业决策者的定量调查

  • 1,199 respondents of which all were the main or joint decision maker in marketing decisions and work at an SME (<250 employees) answered the survey, 其中:
  • 800 respondents who have used paid advertising in the past 12 months, either digitally or non-digitally answered the full 8-minute survey
  • 399 respondents who didn’t use paid advertising only answered the screening questions around company profile, 所使用的营销方法和广告的障碍

The results are representative of UK online SMEs and were weighted towards ONS data in terms of company size and region

第2部分: 对小企业进行定性访谈

  • 界别范围
  • 地区分布,特别关注伦敦以外的地区


MTM’s estimate suggests a range of 34-45% of digital ad spend is accounted for by UK SME spend. This takes into consideration the number of UK registered SMEs in the UK, 中小型企业使用付费彩乐园dsn的比例, 中小企业平均彩乐园dsn支出, 按中小企业规模划分总支出上限和下限. 请注意,这个估计是基于2.6万家注册中小企业,并不能代表全部5家.9 million SME businesses as reported by BEIS Business population estimates for the UK and regions: 2019 (which also includes unregistered SMEs with no employees).




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支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.