


Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion


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索引交换's 玛丽亚Ballester (Senior Manager of Field Marketing) sits down with 西蒙·佩恩-Powell (Director of People & DE全球主管&I) to hear more about how women can embrace their own unique path and redefine success

女人能拥有一切吗? This was the question posed to 西蒙·佩恩-Powell, Director, People and DE全球主管&在英国布鲁姆国际妇女节活动期间. 该活动探讨了支撑……的重要议题 授权和激励包容挑战社会期望. 

With over 20 years of experience working at various global tech companies, Simone has always focused on ensuring that all employees can be their authentic selves and truly feel like they belong at work. 她对DE的热情&我赋予了公司建设的权力 多元化和包容性的工作场所.  

I sat down with her to hear more about how women can embrace their own unique path and how we can redefine success. 

玛丽亚Ballester: Does having it all mean success, and can women have it all? 

西蒙·佩恩-Powell: “所有”对每个人来说意味着什么? 这对我和你来说都不一样. If you define “all” as everything possible, it feels like a massive and impossible ask. 是你的幸福、健康还是事业? 对我来说,“所有”并没有统一的定义。.  

因此,成功或“一切”往往是由社会标准来定义的, 对女性来说,哪些是限制和令人沮丧的, 经常让我们感到被评判.  


SPP: 纵观历史, 女性一直受到社会期望的限制, often pursuing careers that align with traditional gender roles rather than those that truly ignite our passions and leverage our unique talents.  

Gladly, we are seeing more women challenge societal norms and explore career options that align with their passions and strengths. Countless inspirational women followed their passion and achieved remarkable success.  

给我最大启发的一些女性是 旺加里·马塔伊, a Kenyan environmental and political activist who founded the Green Belt Movement, 小威廉姆斯, one of the greatest tennis legends of all time and known for her dominance and advocacy for gender quality in sports, and Ada Lovelace, a mathematician, and writer often regarded as the world’s first computer programmer.  

These women have broken the glass ceilings put in place to try and limit them. 他们已经证明,这是关于找到一条给你带来快乐的道路, fulfilment, 还有使命感. 他们专注于自己的“全部”,而不是别人对他们的期望. 

Their stories should serve as a powerful reminder that success is not limited to a single idea. 成功有多种形式, 无论你是全职妈妈, 开拓性的企业家, 或者是有远见的活动家. 所有这些女性都对世界产生了影响. 

We need to be confident and look beyond society’s standards and expectations to explore our own curiosity and bring joy to our lives. This can be done by connecting with like-minded individuals who share our passion for unconventional career paths and surrounding ourselves with individuals who inspire us to push boundaries and reach new heights. 

Remember, 成功不是由一条道路来定义的, but rather by personal fulfilment and the positive impact we make in your world. Embrace your individuality, challenge societal norms, and embark on a journey that is uniquely yours.  


SPP: There are several studies that show how, as women, we are financially impacted by our gender.  

The 2024 Pension Gap report confirms that women today retire on average with pension savings of £69,000英镑与205英镑相比,000 for men. 为了缩小这个差距, girls would need to start pension saving at just three years old to retire with the same amount of money as working men.  

同样,最近的一项研究 普华永道报告 confirms the gender pay gap in the UK (the difference in median earnings between women and men) is 14.5%. 

造成这些差异的原因有几个. 一些女性将放弃全职工作, 或者从事收入较低的职业, 承担看守的角色, 这是否与孩子有关, 年长的亲戚, or partners. 这会影响我们的收入潜力、养老金和储蓄.  

As women, negotiating salaries and benefits - as well as owning our skill set and being empowered 为他们获得适当的报酬可能是一项挑战. 但是,这是迈向财务自由的重要一步. Research the market rate for your position and be prepared to speak up to get your worth.  

向专业人士寻求理财建议是有益的, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to manage your finances. 理财顾问可以帮你制定个性化的理财计划, 帮助您做出明智的投资决策, 坚持你的目标. They can also provide valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve financial freedom. 


SPP: 在追求成功的路上, many women find themselves navigating the challenging terrain of balancing their careers with their personal well-being. It is essential for women to recognise that true success extends beyond professional accomplishments and encompasses a harmonious integration of personal fulfilment, health, 和幸福. 

Everything we do and every decision we make is often taken with fear of judgment or losing the respect of others around us. We are bombarded with articles and social media posts that tell us we can have it all and if we don’t, 作为女人,我们失败了, partners, caregivers, siblings, 女儿——在某些情况下——母亲.  

不拥有一切也没关系. We need to believe we are enough regardless of what we have, what we do, and who we are. 删除任何告诉你不同的东西.  

达到这种平衡是一个有意识的过程,需要自我照顾, 设置边界, 寻求支持. I hope that one day the concept of “having it all” will have disappeared and we can all live more fulfilling and happier lives. 

进一步了解我们的 亲和力组 以及在索引交换工作是什么感觉. 




As Senior Manager, Field Marketing at 索引交换, Maria leads the marketing strategy in UK. 拥有10年的彩乐园dsn经验, 她曾在一些领先的广告技术公司工作, 包括美国在线, Oath, PubMatic和MediaMath. She has overseen activations at major industry conferences as events production lead, 比如创客大会, Cannes Lions, and MWC. 玛丽亚住在伦敦,是一名积极倡导女性工作的人, 积极参与各种团体活动, 包括《dsn彩乐园网址》和《彩乐园dsn》, 她在那里担任顾问和活动负责人.



索引交换 is a global advertising marketplace enabling media owners to grow revenue by helping marketers reach consumers on any screen, 通过任何AD格式.

Posted on: 2024年4月26日星期五


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