


广告技术 注意 上下文的目标
广告技术 注意 上下文的目标 数码出门 测量 用户体验


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零售媒体正在填补后曲奇广告时代的空白, 来自广告视觉股份有限公司的Theo Schilter写道

The loss of IDs has severely impacted the ability of digital advertising to deliver measurable reach at scale.

与 addressable digital audiences shrinking and linear TV audiences dropping away in favour of streaming services, 各大品牌正在寻找新的渠道来弥补这一差距. CTV很有前景,但也需要更接近购买点的频道.

在数字受众的推动下,在线零售媒体迅速成为赢家. 它放大到 全球支出1000亿美元, giving advertisers exactly what they needed: reach at scale to addressable shopper audiences as close to the POS as possible.

结果是, 围墙花园和全球, 国家, and regional retailers moved quickly to build some form of online retail media and win these rapidly expanding budgets.


随着疫情的影响逐渐减弱, 然而, 观众正在大批返回实体店. 事实上, 这份有影响力的2023年内部情报报告 发现,, 平均, 排名前13%的零售商的实体店观众比他们的数字观众多70%.

The data is even more compelling for regional and local retail players who see not just higher but also more frequent in-store traffic than digital. 这 麦肯锡最近的报告 预测,, 平均, 80%的欧洲杂货和快消品消费者现在和将来都是店内购物者, 甚至到了2030年.

随着广告商要求在可寻址的受众中增加接触, grocery retailers with strong ‘online-only’ retail media are already seeing revenue flow by monetising digital audiences. 但这只是潜力的20%.

Imagine the revenue potential if grocery retailers could also harness the 80% of in-store shoppers as they do with online audiences. Retailers could multiply those high-margin retail media revenues by making 100% of their audience addressable.


店内零售媒体的潜力尚未开发. 但它是否也遥不可及?

专家意见 而以上数据显示,下一波零售媒体增长, 特别是对于消费品和杂货零售, 将来自店内零售媒体. It is a compelling proposition for both – brand advertisers seeking incremental reach and retailers seeking new sources of high-margin revenues.

那么,为什么店内零售媒体预算没有以应有的速度增长呢? Because the promised growth can only come when in-store retail media is able to match the benefits and performance of online retail media.

The truth is that current in-store media offerings simply lack the sophisticated audience segmentation, 针对, 以及广告商已经习惯的在线测量功能.

传统的位置和循环播放, 追溯性绩效测量, and limited audience insights just don’t inspire the same confidence to attract the big retail media budgets!

这就是为什么, 尽管在店里有大量的观众, most in-store media cannot offer “real-time” 可寻址能力 of shoppers based on segments that are relevant for advertisers.



在线零售媒体提供了可寻址性和可测量性. 但却错过了80%的店内顾客. 经典的店内零售媒体提供覆盖范围, but lacks real-time 可寻址能力 of shopper segments or 测量 capabilities for in-store campaigns.

Stuck in the middle are advertisers who want access to the billions of in-store shoppers but also demand online-like retail media capabilities to commit bigger budgets.

The gap between advertiser expectations and current in-store retail media offerings can only be bridged by:

  • 带来类似在线的实时受众细分, 针对, 以及店内测量功能
  • Using the media currency advertisers are used to – addressable reach and real-time audience segments
  • 通过现有的生态系统实现无缝买卖

获得增量覆盖 & 店内零售媒体的收入终于触手可及

Advertima的店内用户创造者 最终使店内用户可实时访问和寻址.

所有这些都是无缝的购买体验, using media currency everyone in the ecosystem understands – addressable reach and audience segments.

对于习惯于在线零售媒体的广告商, 这正是他们期待已久的店内零售媒体解决方案. Advertima已经证明了实时细分目标’的能力,零售商可以...

  • 为广告商提供可寻址的实时店内受众群
  • Unify those segments with online audience segments for true omnichannel retail media planning and buying
  • 提供可扩展的解决方案,以释放其店内受众的全部收入潜力



通过接入全渠道零售媒体网络(RMN)赚取增量收入. 广告活动永远不会只针对一个渠道. 然而,多渠道计划需要跨渠道的可比媒体购买货币.

传统的店内媒体, 根据代理数据计划和购买, 位置, 或者是播放的次数, typically receive lower budgets because they are siloed from mainstream retail media planning and buying.

与Advertima, in-store retail media can be planned and bought based on audience segments — a familiar media buying currency, 通过同样的全渠道RMN,他们还计划和购买现场和场外活动.

Addressable audiences and a streamlined buying ecosystem create new demand and beings in budgets that may otherwise have gone elsewhere.


通过创造更高价值的广告库存赚取增量收入. 因为每次播放都是实时定位的, ads reach more of the right audience in each defined target group than generic loop-based layouts.

Advertima基于人工智能的细分与位置相结合, 一天中的时间, and 标准 such as the IAB content taxonomy help campaigns reach more addressable audiences within the same period of time.



从相同数量的屏幕中获得增量收入. 实时细分目标更有效地利用店内媒体库存, 比如智能数字标牌.

当广告活动以较少的播放次数在特定的受众群体中达到目标时, 减少浪费, 释放额外的广告插槽播放, 并在同一时期和银幕数量上推动收入的增长.

除了, 因为Advertima AI属性可以适应各种特定的品牌定义的受众群体, 它可以在更广泛的活动中创造更多可销售的库存.


利用用户洞察力创造新的收入. 拥有最好的广告渠道, dsn彩乐园网址的, 大多数可验证的指标和数据总是能赢得大笔预算.

In-store media ads are usually booked as time slots based on historical audience data such as loyalty cards, 收银员数据, 或者活动分析. 这无法与在线零售媒体相提并论, which offers real-time data flow from ongoing campaigns as a basis for planning and booking inventory.

Advertima, 零售商可以向广告商提供有关特定细分市场受众范围的实时验证指标, 印象, 用户粘性(广告互动), 就像在网络世界一样.

基于这些实时性能数据, 广告商可以优化广告活动, 零售商可以逐步提高用户洞察力并从中获利.


作为奖励,可衡量的店内零售媒体不受 广告欺诈挑战 目前所面临的行业.  Advertima的店内受众创建者可验证捕获, 对, 并测量100%的店内购物者流量.


随着第三方cookie的消失, 在线受众的可寻址性正在缩小. Retailers offering only on-site and off-site audiences will lose not only out on 80% of their reach potential but also their earning power.


But that growth will only come to retailers that offer a stand-out in-store retail media solution that checks all the boxes. 实时受众细分, 可寻址能力, 测量, and audience insights; brand safety and privacy compliance; high-quality shopper experiences; enabled by a comparable media buying currency and seamless programmatic access to inventory.


But the surest and longest-lasting path to retail media success is not from any one channel alone. 与围墙花园竞争, 零售商必须为品牌和广告商提供一个完整的渠道, 全渠道零售媒体网络. The seamless buying experience should include unified 针对 through the shopper’s entire journey – in-store, 现场, 和离线.

To know the exact steps to build a stand-out in-store retail media solution and integrate it with your omnichannel Retail Media Network, d下载我们的免费 白皮书.

Get additional insights and learn how retailers can transform in-store shoppers into monetisable media audiences and unlock the full potential of omnichannel retail media right now.

西奥·席尔特,首席产品官 & 技术官


广告赋予零售商权力, 品牌, and media agencies to unlock the full potential of physical retail stores to maximize Retail Media revenues

发布: 2023年12月15日星期五




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